the crusaders
with little free time available to spend for finishing my space wolves some time ago i started with a second, just because i wanted to paint another color than blue.
so i started my iron sons with a pretty dark scheme.
i used completely different painting techniques then i did for my space wolves and was quite surprised about the fact that they were much more efficient regarding time and workload according to the final result than my space wolves.
i was wondering if these techniques would also work for a scheme based upon a much brighter color like bleached bone. this and the fact that i still have many unpainted metal marines left on the one hand and my rc landraider still unpainted on the other made me start a 3rd army.
most if you know that i don’t care about armylists and gameplay. for me it is more important to put those minis into my armys that i like most. in this case it will be a wide range of older and new metal marines and a set of space hulk terminators.
i’ll leave all chapter symbols in place, hoping that a common scheme will be enough to melt all minis to a single army.
said enough ….
here are some pics …. :